Faculty's Information
M. Shamim Kaiser, PhD

Short Biography
Dr. M Shamim Kaiser is currently working as a Professor at the Institute of Information Technology of Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh. He received his Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Applied Physics Electronics and Communication Engineering from the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh in 2002 and 2004 respectively, and the Ph. D. degree in Telecommunication Engineering from the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) Pathumthani, Thailand, in 2010. He worked as a postdoc fellow in the Big data and Cyber Security Lab of Anglia Ruskin University, UK from 2017-2018. He also worked as a Special Research Student at the Wireless Signal Processing and Networking Lab (Adachi Lab) of Tohoku University, Japan in 2008. His current research interests include Data Analytics, Machine Learning, Wireless Network & Signal processing, Cognitive Radio networks, Big IoT data, Healthcare, Neuroinformatics, and Cyber Security. He has authored more than 150 papers in different peer-reviewed journals and conferences.
He is an Academic Editor of Plos One Journal; Associate Editor of the IEEE Access and Cognitive Computation Journal, Guest Editor of Brain Informatics Journal, IJACI (IGI Global), Electronics MDPI, Frontiers in Neuroinformatics, and Cognitive Computation Journal. Dr. Kaiser is a Life Member of Bangladesh Electronic Society; Bangladesh Physical Society and NOAMI. He is also a senior member of IEEE, USA, and IEICE, Japan, and an active volunteer of the IEEE Bangladesh Section. He is the founding Chapter Chair of the IEEE Bangladesh Section Computer Society Chapter.
Editorial Involvement:
- Academic Editor, Plos One
- Associate Editor, IEEE Access, IEEE | Cognitive Computation, Springer
- Guest Editor, Big data Analytics, Springer | Neuroinformatics, Frontiers| Electronics, MDPI |Braininformatics, Springer | Cognitive Computation, Springer | IJACI
- Conference Proceeding Editor, TCCE 2020 & 2021 | BI 2020 & 2021 | ICTCS 2020 & 2021
- TPC Secterary, ICEEICT Series (2014 – 2018) | TCCE 2020 | AII2021 Series
- Local Arrangement Chair HTC 2017
- Publication Chair, TCCE 2020
- Organizing Co-chair, ICREST 2019 | TCCE 2021
Volunteer Position at IEEE
- Senior Member, IEEE
- Conference Coordinator, 2020 IEEE Computer Society Bangladesh Chapter
- Past Chair, 2019 IEEE Computer Society Bangladesh Chapter
- Chapter Chair, 2018 IEEE Computer Society Bangladesh Chapter
- Founding Chair, 2017 IEEE Computer Society Bangladesh Chapter
- 2017 Publicity Coordinator | 2016 HAC | 2015 SAC, IEEE BDS
Membership with other Society
- Life Member: BES, BSES, NOAMI, BPS
On-going Research Projects
- Embracing diversity in ASIA through the adoption of Inclusive Open Practices (DIVERSASIA) [Jan 2021 – Jan 2023].
- Partner Institute: Jahangirnagar Univesity
- Web: https://diversasia-accessible-he.eu/
- Funded by European Commission
- City from Farm to Plate via Machine Learning and Blockchain – Smart Farming with Intelligent Supply Chain Management [2020 – 2021]
- Chief Investigator: M Shamim Kaiser
- Co-Investigator:
- Shamim Al Mamun (JU)
- Mufti Mahmud (NTU, UK)
- Amount: 300K BDT
- Funded by UGC of Bangladesh
- Machine Learning-based Smart Farming in the Context of Bangladesh [July 2019 – June 2020]
- Chief Investigator: M Shamim Kaiser
- Amount: 75K BDT
- Funded By Jahangirnagar University (Special Allocation by UGC)
Completed Research Projects
- Principle-investigator
Project Title: Design and Implementation of Flood Warning System for Bangladesh Using WSN, Financed by Jahangirnagar University, July 2015 – June 2016). - Principle-investigator
Project Title: Design and Implementation of Deserter Warning System for Bangladesh Using WSN, Financed by Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, (BDT 200K), July 2014 – June 2015 - Co-investigator
Project Title: Design and Implementation of Grid Connected Solar Water Pumping System for Bangladesh. Financed by Ministry of Education, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh (BDT 1800K), July 2013 – June 2015 - Project Director
Project Title: Financial Feasibility and Performance Evaluation of Solar Powered Rickshaw, Funded by University Grant Commission (UGC) of Bangladesh, (BDT 150K), June 2013 – July 2014 - Project Director
Project Title: Design and Implementation of Solar Power Boat, Financed by Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, Bangladesh, (BDT 35K), July 2013 – June 2014 - Project Director
Project Title: Solar Powered Wheel-chair for Physically Challenged People, Funded by Jahangirnagar University, (BDT 35K), June 2013 – July 2014 - Project Director
Project Title: Design and Implementation of Solar Power Tricycle Driving Circuit, Funding: Ministry of Science and Technology (BDT 70K), July 2012 – June 2013
Research Interest
- Data analytics
- Machine Learning
- Health informatics
- Wireless Network & Signal processing
- Multihop-Cognitive Radio Network
- Big data
- Cyber Security