Faculty's Information

Short Biography
Dr.Risala Tasin Khan is currently working as a Professor at the Institute of Information Technology of Jahangirnagar University from 2020 where she has been working since 2009. She completed her B.Sc. from Computer Science & Engineering Department of Jahangirnagar University in 2003, and M.Sc. from the same department in 2005. She received her Ph.D. in Computer Science & Engineering from the Jahangirnagar University in 2019. Her Ph.D research work was on the performance evaluation of CRN over fading channel incorporating space diversity. Before joining Jahangirnagar University, She worked as a lecturer at the Department of CSE of Daffodil International University from 2005 to 2009.
Her research interests span both computer networking and wireless communication. Much of her work has been on improving the performance of cognitive radio networks, mainly through the perfect sensing of the presence of a secondary user in a particular sensing zone. She has also examined the impact of network performance on the arrival of traffic using different statistical models. Recently she has also started doing research on resource allocation of wireless networks using machine learning and the security aspect of IoT.
Dr Risala Tasin Khan authored more than 30 research papers on peer reviewed Journals and Conference Proceedings supervised more than 70 students in different fields of wireless communication. She is a senior member of IEEE and also acted as a counselor of IEEE WIE Affinity Group JU SB and EXCOM member of IEEE CS Bangladesh Chapter.
Research Interest
- Wireless Communication System
- Machine Learning
- IoT
- E-commerce
- Image Processing